Rules and Procedures
Student Handbook

Classes are selected and the master schedule is built upon registering for classes as part of a student’s career path and educational goals. Students commit to their chosen classes at the time of forecasting. Unfortunately, our ability to take new requests is highly limited. We are not able to take requests to change teachers or periods.
Schedule changes will be considered through the 3rd day of the new trimester. If a student has one of the following concerns about their schedule, they should email the counselor with specific requests/information.
A required course is needed this year.
Skill level/placement is inappropriate.
A prerequisite has not been met.
The same course was previously passed.
Scheduling error (missing periods, double scheduled periods, canceled/newly formed classes)
Consequences for withdrawing on or after the 4th day of the new trimester (W=Withdrawn)
*4-10 Days, Nothing posted to transcript for dropped class, 0.5 credit for new class
*11-20 Days, Posted to transcript: “W” unless “F” is appropriate, 0.25-0.5 credit for new class
*21+ Days, Posted to transcript: “W” unless “F” is appropriate, Maximum 0.25 credit for new class
*An add/drop schedule change form is required to be filled out and signed by teacher(s), student, parent, counselor and principal.