Rules and Procedures
Student Handbook

A student dress code should accomplish several goals:
Maintain a safe learning environment in classes where protective or supportive clothing is needed, such as chemistry/biology (eye or body protection), dance (bare feet, tights/leotards), or PE (athletic attire/shoes).
Allow students to wear clothing of their choice that is comfortable.
Allow students to wear clothing that expresses their self-identified gender.
Allow students to wear religious attire without fear of discrimination.
Prevent students from wearing clothing with offensive images or language, including profanity, hate speech, and pornography.
Prevent students from wearing clothing with images or language depicting or advocating violence or the use of alcohol or drugs.
Ensure that all students are treated equitably regardless of gender/gender identification, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, body type/size, religion, and personal style.
Standards for personal appearance and dress are a responsibility of the individual student, parents, and the school administration. It is to be understood that the school standard for appearance will likely be different from the standard outside of school time due to the compulsory nature of school.
The following guidelines on clothing are examples and do not cover all situations:
Shoes, shirts, and pants/skirts/shorts must be worn at all times (health and safety requirement)
In certain situations dress will be prescribed for safety (i.e. shop)
No weapons may be displayed on garments
No articles of clothing or accessories shall be worn advertising or depicting any tobacco, vaping, drug or alcohol messages or pictures
Clothing which identifies gang affiliation is not allowed
Obscene representations and/or words of any kind are not acceptable dress – this includes words or phrase that have a double meaning
Clothing may not depict pornography, nudity or sexual acts or advertise pornographic brands i.e., Playboy
Shirts and dresses must have fabric in the front, back, and on the sides (under the arms and at least to the belly button). Midriffs are acceptable.
No undergarments are allowed to be shown (waistband and bra straps excluded). Fabric covering private parts (genitalia, buttocks, nipples) must be opaque (not able to be seen through).
Clothing may not use or depict hate speech targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation or any other protected groups.
The administration has the authority to make changes at any time to the dress code based on either safety or health reasons. A student wearing inappropriate clothing, as deemed by the administration and/or staff, may be asked to change his/her/their clothing or he/she/they will not be allowed to remain on campus. Parents/guardians may be contacted.