Rules and Procedures
Student Handbook

Students who are assigned lunch detention will be required to arrive at detention 5 minutes after lunch begins and comply with all directives of the detention supervisor. If a student arrives late an additional day will be required to be served. Failure to serve detention will result in two days of detention being assigned. Students who fail to serve detention a second time may be placed in ISS the following day.
While in detention, students will NOT be allowed to do the following:
Use cell phones
Read comic books, car magazines, play cards or video games
Place feet on furniture (Students must sit upright in their chairs)
Leave room for any reason without permission
Talk to other students or use hand signals or distract other students
Wear hats or hoods
Students who fail to comply with the above may be required to serve additional detention. Students will be required to bring enough schoolwork to keep busy the entire time and must bring supplies and materials to do schoolwork.