Rules and Procedures
Student Handbook

Students are required to abide by the Responsible Use Policy found on the school website and at the end of this handbook.
WSVSD is a 1:1 district and will provide users with electronic devices (e.g. chromebooks, tablets) to promote learning both inside and outside the classroom. Users should abide by the same responsible use policies when using school devices off the school network as on the school network. Students need to use their school issued device while at school and not a personally owned device for school purposes. (e.g. laptops, tablets, Chromebook)
WSVSD is a 1:1 district and will provide users with electronic devices (e.g. chromebooks, tablets) to promote learning both inside and outside the classroom. Users should abide by the same responsible use policies when using school devices off the school network as on the school network. Students need to use their school issued device while at school and not a personally owned device for school purposes. (e.g. laptops, tablets, Chromebook)
No food or drink should be next to Chromebooks.
Cords, cables, and removable storage devices (e.g. thumb drives) must be inserted carefully into appropriate ports on the Chromebooks.
Chromebooks must remain free of any writing, drawing, stickers, and labels. Unless otherwise approved by the Technology Department
Heavy objects should never be placed on top of Chromebooks.
Chromebooks should never be loaned to another student or individual during the school day or otherwise.
Do not decorate your Chromebook. No stickers or other like items are to be placed on Chromebooks. Failure to follow this could result in privileges being revoked.
If a power cord has been checked out to you with your Chromebook, you are responsible for charging your device and keeping track of your cord.
Students are expected and required to avoid illegal or unkind actions, including:
Sending, displaying, downloading or using obscene languages or images;
Harassing, insulting, or attacking others;
Violating copyright laws;
Using another’s password;
Employing the network for commercial purposes
Accessing illegal content
Preserving copyright information and respecting copyright laws.
Students found in willful and/or persistent violation of these guidelines will have their network privileges revoked and may face further disciplinary or legal action.