Rules and Procedures
Student Handbook

Columbia High School is a closed campus and all students are required to remain on the school grounds during school hours unless officially excused. Students may leave school on an approved school function. Students who are enrolled as sophomores, juniors and seniors may leave campus during their lunch break.
Students may not leave campus during their passing periods (this includes moving from one parking lot to another). The freshmen class is not allowed to leave campus during their lunch break unless their parents accompany them and they must sign out in the office prior to leaving school. Those students who are allowed to leave campus at lunch must return back to campus at the end of lunch.
All students leaving school must sign out in the office unless they are leaving on an approved school function or during lunch break. Students signing out of school will be required to have a note excusing them from school prior to signing out. A school official may also talk to a parent/guardian to excuse a student prior to signing out. When students re-enter school they must also sign in at the office.
Leaving school without permission and/or not signing out may result in disciplinary action. There are provisions in the office to accommodate students who wish to go home because of illness. If you become ill during school, come to the office. You may not leave during school hours without permission.